Thursday, December 22, 2011

Act II "Write about a time when you or someone you know was judged unfairly."

I met one of my best friends freshman year. She was from River Vale and I was from Hillsdale, so she was someone I never met. We both did theatre but I didn’t perceive her as the person I thought she was. Truthfully—and she knows this—I thought she was one of those “too-cool-to-hang-out-with-freshman” girls because she always caught the attention of the upperclassmen. Then, as I got to know her, I realized this wasn’t the truth, and we have been close ever since, because of the fact that I let my judgment down. This relates to The Crucible because at the end of Act II, Mary Warren blamed Abigail for getting Elizabeth charged with witchcraft. Because of the doll that was planted by Abigail, Elizabeth was unfairly judged and the authorities would not listen to her side of the story—or Mary Warren’s at that fact. Everyone has listened to “innocent” Abigail’s claims, while judging the rest of the town unfairly.

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